Dante's Divine Comedy Seminary - February 2023

Dante’s Divine Comedy Seminar
led by Richard Cushman

Starting late January 2023

Richard Cushman, organist and retired English professor, is offering a seminar on Dante’s Divine Comedy this Spring. This is a great chance to read and explore one of the greatest works in literature and medieval Christian thought, under the guidance of someone who loves Dante and has taught him for generations. We hope to start the later part of January and meet on Saturdays, either 10:30am or 1pm. If you are interested or want to know more info, please fill out the survey.

Among the most lasting works of literature are those which are about everything - and all at once. Among these, Dante’s Divine Comedy stands almost alone. In this enormous poem or more accurately these three poems - “Inferno”, “Purgatorio”, and “Paradiso” - Dante explores not only his life in early Renaissance Florence, but his imaginative vision of the afterlife as seen through Christian eyes. Above all, however, as Dante advances from Hell to Paradise guided by the love of Beatrice, he learns, as we do, that the great principle which unites the universe and its Creator is LOVE, "which moves the sun and all the other stars." In his vision, Dante includes and writes elements of Christian Scriptures and theology, but also the ideas, values, and even personalities of the classical world, often as perceived and understood through the lens of medieval Christian thought.

But beyond these elements, Dante also presents himself as a cosmopolitan citizen’s politician, and upper-class young man in both a private and public life.

The “Comedy”, as Dante calls it is of course a poem and, as such, it conveys its meaning through formal elements like metre, imagery, allusion and, above all, metaphor. Perhaps because of its complexity, the Comedy is best read not alone, but with a group of friends, that is my hope for this class. I like to think of an enterprise like this one as “great literature in dialogue.” Showing our response to the poem is an essential part of how we will spend our time together. Forming a community is one of the things literature does best.
We need not expend our energy in writing papers - unless you want to - or taking exams. We will read and share our responses. In the process, we will understand Dante and ourselves more clearly.

I have taught for many years in a number of places. I am really hoping for the chance to explore a profound and relevant masterpiece with you. - Richard Cushman

Women in Conversation: Alison M. Benders

Women in Conversation

Recollecting America's Original Sin: Encountering Race and Grace

Alison M. Benders, Vice President of Mission and Ministry for Santa Clara University

9am-Noon, Saturday, Jan 14
Newman Lounge and via ZOOM

in this presentation on Recollecting America’s Original Sin, we’ll encounter our nation's 'original sin' of anti-black racism as a pilgrimage of conversion and commitment. Alison Benders will share her personal and theological reflections, from her own family’s journey along the color line.  The ensuing discussion will invite us to explore our own journeys and hopes for racial healing.

Alison M. Benders is vice president of Mission and Ministry for Santa Clara University.  Prior to this role, she served for seven years as the associate dean of the Jesuit School of Theology, where her teaching and writing focused on racial justice and reconciliation. She authored Just Prayer: A Book of Hours for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers, (Liturgical Press 2015), which won the Catholic Book Award for Spirituality in 2016. (70 words) 

Recollecting America's Original Sin: A Pilgrimage of Race and Grace (Liturgical Press, 2022) - This book journeys into anti-black racism throughout US history through a Christian spirituality lens, fashioned as a spiritual pilgrimage that integrates listening, reflecting, and daily living. It recollects the nation’s freedom struggles around race, our original sin, by interlacing historical moments and places into a web of provocative concerns


Santa Clara University: Division of Mission and Ministry

Recollecting America's Original Sin

Just Prayer: A Liturgy of the Hours for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers

20222 Advent at Newman

Advent Events at Newman

1st Sunday of Advent (11/27)
- Sun, 11/27 - Advent Wreath Making after the 10am Mass

2nd Sunday of Advent (12/4)
- Sun, 12/4 - Fr. Augustine Book Signing after the 10am Mass with Bishop Barber
- Tue, 12/6 - Advent Reconciliation Service at 7pm
- Thu, 12/8 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - 8am, 12:10pm, 5:30pm, 9pm
- Fri, 12/9 - Simbang Gabi Celebration - 5pm Rosary / 5:30pm Mass / Filipino Dinner

3rd Sunday of Advent (12/11)

- Sun, 12/11 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration at 5pm (as part of 3rd Sunday of Advent celebration)
- Wed, 12/14 - Christmas Caroling in the Elmwood at 5pm (meet in front of Sweet Dreams Candy (2901 College)

4th Sunday of Advent (12/18)

- Wed, 12/14 - Christmas Caroling in the Elmwood at 5pm (meet in front of Sweet Dreams Candy (2901 College)

Don’t forget to also pick up a Little Blue Book or Advent Missalette to foster a habit of daily spiritual readings.

Paulist Capital Campaign Thank You!

Paulist Capital Campaign Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Paulist Capital Campaign. We had a most successful campaign with over 2,700 donors pledging $30.2 million. The thrust of the funds have gone to build a new house of studies and mission, which we are calling Hecker House. This building will house our novitiate, our seminary, and our specialty ministries like Paulist Evangelization Ministries. Fr. Steven Bell, CSP is also planning to base his Reconciliation Ministries there.

The campaign also supports senior Paulists, providing for their retirement; addressing deferred maintenance at our Motherhouse and other locations, and strengthening our national ministries like Paulist Press, Busted Halo, and Landings International.

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Beware Church Gift Card Scams and Scam e-mail

Beware Church Gift Card Scams and Scam e-mail

Parishioners and friends of Newman, please be careful of the latest church scams where the scammer creates an e-mail that looks like the pastor’s and then sends e-mail to the e-mail addresses found on the church’s website saying I’m working with a needy parishioner and need to get him or her a gift card. Please ignore any requests for gift cards or cash. Folks are sadly taking advantage of people’s charity and goodness of heart.

The other latest scam is to get an e-mail from the pastor writing “Is this a good time to talk? There is something I need you to do.” He would call you personally if he needed to talk instead of sending an e-mail.

Wrapping Up the Diocesan MAP Survey

wrapping up the DIOCESAN map survey


From our diocesan website:

On behalf of the Mission Alignment Process (MAP) Commission, thank you to everyone who participated in our Disciple Maker Index Survey. A total of 100% of our parishes participated with individual responses exceeding 20,000! We want to extend our special thanks to our Parish Points of Contact, those individuals who took the time to lead and encourage parishioners and gather responses. 

We are truly being guided by the Holy Spirit as we work to align our precious resources for the mission of our Church: to proclaim passionately the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our next steps are to gather the responses and prepare them for each individual parish. Parishioners will have the opportunity to learn from their individual community's survey responses. Aided by your survey responses the Commission will continue its work preparing recommendations for a vibrant 21st-century Oakland Diocese.

Once again, we thank you for your participation. Click here for Our Interim Report, issued September 10, 2022.

Remembering Our Dearly Departed for 2022

Remembering our Dearly Departed

in the Month of November

Throughout the month of November, we will be remembering our dearly departed. Before our altar we will have our Book of Remembrance, where parishioners are invited to write down the names of their dearly departed, and a basket of wooden crosses, where parishioner are invited to write name of their dearly departed on. Our memory of them keeps us connected with them, given our faith tells us they are not lost forever, just further along the road of eternal life. We can pray for them and ask them to pray for us.

We also invited folks to record their loved ones’ names in our Book of Remembrance (back of the church) and/or on a small wooden cross that was placed in a basket in front of the altar.

We in particular remembere our deceased parishioners who passed away this year or whose funeral Mass we celebrated this year:

Francesca Healy (7/23/20) | Charlie Bogle (9/5/20) | Jim Brown (9/20/21) | Jeff Retherford (12/14/21) | Fr. John Endres, SJ (1/26/22) | Carol Stone (5/9/22) | Karl S. Pister (5/13/22) | Louise “Lolly” Kelleher (summer 2022) | Diana Reggi (7/15/22) & Remo Reggi | Aida Peterson (7/24/22) | Fr. Kevin Lynch, CSP (8/27/22) | Ray Flanders (9/8/22) | Gary Addiego (9/14/22) | Nathalie Richardson (9/21/22)

All Souls’ Day Mass (2022 Nov 2)

when we celebrated and remembered our dearly departed