Sacraments of the Eucharist

The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is available to us everyday in the Mass.

"The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life" (CCC 1324).


Join us online at 10am on Sundays when we livestream the Mass. The Mass will be recorded so you can watch later.
If you’d like to have someone bring Holy Eucharist to you, call the front desk (510) 848-7812. We have a homebound ministry team eager to bring Eucharist to those who can’t get to Mass.
For the sacrament of reconciliation, (confession) or anointing of the sick, contact Fr. Xavier or Fr. Pius (contacts above) and schedule a time for them to come to see you.

Mass Times

(see Ash Wednesday Mass times below)

Sunday Masses
Saturday (vigil) Mass:
Sunday Mass:
8am, 10am*, 5pm, 9pm (candlelight)

Daily Masses
Mon.-Sat. 12:10 and during school year also Thurs. 9pm

Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturdays, 11am-Noon
Confession is also available by appointment. Please schedule a time with one of our priests directly.
Click on this link to schedule an appointment with Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, OP
You may also send him a text or voicemail at (650) 291-4590.
To schedule a time with Fr. Pius, send an email to him at or leave him a voicemail at (520) 222-8844

Holy Hour/Adoration

When Cal is in session only (No adoration this week, March 24-28)
Tue., Wed., Fri. 11am-noon Adoration
Thurs. 8-9pm Adoration