Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish is very grateful to our benefactors who share our mission to bring God’s love to the world, especially to the student community at the University of California, Berkeley. It is your support, no matter how small makes a difference and allows us to continue to provide our excellent ministries.

The variety of ways you can support our efforts financially include:

PUSHPAY - Using our electronic giving account through Pushpay allows you support us one time or continuously using your bank account or credit card. The continuous support helps us to ensure we have a steady stream of income. Our Pushpay account also allows giving to specific ministry projects, like Campus Ministry or Loaves & Fishes.

VENMO- This mobile payment service allows you to use your cellphone to support Newman with one time donations.
Just donate to @Newman-Hall. Use the NOTES field, if you have any specific instructions, want to donate to a particular ministry, or help pay for a specific project or item.

Given the fluid and informal nature of VENMO, we are not keeping records of donations. Please let us know if you want us to keep records for your taxes, so we can flag down your giving and match it with your contact info.

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CHECK/CASH - You can mail your financial contribution to Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish, 2700 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 or drop it off at the front office. If it’s after hours, you might slide it through the mail slot on the eastern-most front door.

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REMEMBER US IN YOUR WILL - After taking care of your family needs and other obligations, please do not forget to support Newman. We hope you consider us one of your favorite charities whose mission, to share God’s love, is one you want to support beyond the years. We have been here since 1907 and plan to be here on into the future. Future Newman Hall community members will appreciate your foresight and support to keep Newman’s ministries relevant and vibrant, especially for the future students at UC Berkeley.

Please let us know if we are in your will, so we can acknowledge you and keep a record so those who work here in the future know who you are and what you’ve done for and at Newman.