Paulist Farewell Celebration (2024 June 22)

Paulist Farewell Mass and Celebration
5pm, Saturday, 2024 June 22

The Paulist Fathers left Newman on July 1st as the Dominicans assumed leadership of Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish.

To celebrate the Paulists’ 117 years of service to Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish and the Oakland Diocese, the Newman community held a Mass of Thanksgiving at the 5pm Saturday Mass on June 22, followed by a joyful reception. The party was a great success with a number of former Newman parishioners, priests, and Cal alums returning for the festivities. Some alumni traveled from as far as Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

A number of Newman’s priests — current and past — were here for the festivities.

Dick Chilson…..1976-1996
Gil Martinez…..1998–2000
Dick Sparks…..1999 - 2006
Bernie Campbell…..2007-2014
Bill Edens…..2009-2014
Ivan Tou…..2014-2024
Steve Bossi…..2017-2022
Steven Bell…..2019-2022
Ken Boyack…..2020-2024
Ryan Casey…..2022-2024
Zach Turner (seminarian)…..2023 -2024

Also attending was John Ardis, CSP, Vice President of the Paulist Fathers, along with Bishop Barber, SJ, John Prochaska (Pastor at St. Joseph the Worker), Jason Landeza (pastor of Divine Mercy Parish), Jose Rubio (from Diocese of San Jose), and Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, OP (our new pastor of Newman).

Check out the photos and video from the event.

* Prep  -

* Before Mass -

* Mass Photos -

* Sofia Villas-Boas -

* Nathan Tang -

* Mass Videos -

* Celebration -

* Paulists -

* Extras (work in progress...) -

East Bay Times Article on the Paulist at Newman

Columnist Martin Snap interviewed a number of parishioners and Fr. Ivan and wrote an opinion piece for The East Bay Times. To read the article, published on 2024 June 4th, click on this link.

An Important Note from the Paulist Fathers (March 2024)

An Important Note from the Paulist Fathers

With great sadness, we are reporting the Paulist Fathers, due to declining priests, will be returning Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish to the diocese on July 1st. After 117 years of ministry to UC Berkeley and the East Bay, we are sadly ending one chapter and allowing the diocese to usher in a new chapter for campus ministry at UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Catholic community. We trust that our patrons, the Holy Spirit and St. John Cardinal Newman, will be guiding our parish during this new chapter of new leadership.

Here is the Pastor’s message sent to the parishioners.
Oakland Diocese Press Release
Paulist Father Press Release

2024 Paulist Annual Appeal

At all the Masses on the weekend of January 27-28, Fr. Peter Abdella, CSP preached for our Annual Paulist Appeal, providing us an opportunity to learn more about the charism and mission of the Paulist Fathers.

Fr. Peter served as Associate Pastor and Campus Minister at Newman from June 2000 to Jan 2005. Fr. Ivan served under him as his associate at the University Catholic Center at UCLA. Fr. Peter is now in Senior Ministry at St. Paul the Apostle, in Los Angeles.

We invite you to be part of our exciting mission for God. We Paulists have a unique American style of being missionaries to America, one that is innovative, personal, individualistic, challenging, and joyful. Your prayers and financial support help us extend our ministries in America.

Pick up a giving envelope in the lobby and drop it off at our front desk.

A generous parishioner has offered to match everyone’s donation starting April 21 for a total up to $5,000. Please take advantage of that generosity.

Sunday of the Word of God (3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

The Sunday of the Word of God was instituted by Pope Francis in 2019 and is observed on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.  “a Sunday given over entirely to the word of God, so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between the Lord and his people. Devoting a specific Sunday of the liturgical year to the word of God can enable the Church to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world.” (Aperuit Illis 2)

Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Lk 24:45).

Learn More

Racial Wealth Gap Simulaton (Jan 27)

Don’T MISS …….

Bread for the World’s Racial Wealth Gap Simulation


Wednesday, January 24th at 7 pm upstairs at Newman

The simulation takes about 90 minutes, including opening and closing prayer. Refreshments will be provided

The simulation is an interactive tool that helps people understand the connections between racial equity, hunger, poverty, and wealth. It is a good first step for people unaware of structural inequality and a support tool for those who want a deeper understanding of structural inequality. It also creates a readiness to understand and discuss options for Reparations.

Please RSVP to: Alan Roselius: OR Bill Joyce OR Linda Safarik-Tong

Please contact any of us with questions, too!

“Instances of racism continue to shame us, for they show that our supposed social progress is not as real or definitive as we think,” Pope Francis, March 2021

2023 Advent Calendar

2023 Advent Calendar

The Apocalyptic Advent Calendar
Randy Dixon

This Advent calendar imagines the salvation story of Creation, humanities’ De-creation and God’s Re-creation. Here God’s promise to us of a perfect world and a perfect union with the resurrected Christ, is illustrated as a new Heaven, a new Earth and a new Jerusalem, the bride. It is a love story.

Congratulations to Deacon Bryan Paulsen, SJ

On Saturday, 2023 October 21, Bryan was ordained a deacon by Bishop Barber at the Oakland Cathedral. He will be serving as a deacon at our parish this year and will be ordained a priest come next year. He will also help with adoration and benediction on Friday at 9am.