SMT Committees

Do you want to get more involved in the Catholic community?
JOIN a Committee at Newman!

Community Presents:
Newman Formal 2024 - “Enchanted Garden”


The Community Committee seeks to create a home for students at Newman by providing support and ways to develop faith and establish meaningful relationships through participation in various social activities to bring ourselves closer to God’s community.

Education & Faith Development

The Education & Faith Development Committee seeks to deepen students’ understanding of the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith through the intellect.

Stations of the Cross on Memorial Glade

Ash Wednesday Mass on Berkeley campus!


Our committee is all about fulfilling the greatest commandment: to love God and “worship Him pleasingly with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:28). Every baptized person shares in a spiritual priesthood, and we want to help students realize that sacred role by immersing them in the Church’s Tradition and liturgical life. This includes promoting pious devotions, sacramental discipline, and training lectors, chanters, as well as opportunities for men discerning priesthood to altar serve. We hope you’ll join our mission to draw souls to the Beauty of Christ’s Love in the Eucharist!


I simply love to sing for fun, and the music committee allows me to use my voice to praise the Lord. In my first year at Newman, I was invited to sing with others in a very welcoming and kind community which inspired me to want to plan music for these events. I found great joy in experiencing the Lord speak to me through singing as a form of prayer. Music is a way we can internalize the meaning of His life for us and express our gratitude to him in return with the gifts He has given us! As Jesus offers himself for us, we offer our voices and talents to serve his ministry in anyway we can!

Please let me know if you or anyone else is interested in volunteering to sing at our events, such as the weekly Sunday 5 pm student mass and Thursday Night Mass & Adoration. I plan to celebrate the lovely and rich variety of music within the church, from hosting praise and worship music nights to incorporating traditional Latin and schola music at the masses. My overall goal is to bring people closer to Jesus through music, as He has done for me.

Newman’s Student Choir

Tabling on Sproul on the first day of the semester


The Outreach Committee seeks to communicate our student activities both externally to the campus and internally to Newman students and parishioners by means of advertising and social media.


The Service Committee seeks to build future leaders of the Catholic Church by establishing relationships with the local community and abroad through words followed by actions of faith based on social justice.

Student Dinner every Sunday after the 5pm Mass!