Congratulations to Vivian Zelaya

Congratulations to Vivian Zelaya

Winner of the 2022 Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker of the Year Award
from Pax Christi Northern California

The Pax Christi Northern California 2022 Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker of the Year recipient is Vivian Zelaya. Vivian, a member of Newman, is a local Catholic organizer dedicated to the support of Palestinian rights, nuclear disarmament, preventing violence in Latin America, and other efforts for peace and justice in this country and abroad. Learn more about her life and work. This award was presented at there Fall Meeting on Saturday, October 15, 2022.

Jim Brown Funeral Mass

Jim Brown Funeral Mass

9am, Saturday, 2022 Oct 22
Newman Chapel

On Saturday, October 22, we celebrated the life of Jim Brown, beloved Newman Parishioner. He was part of our Saturday Mass music ministry, playing guitar and singing, for a number of years. He was also a faithful 5pm Saturday Mass parishioner. You can participate remotely through our live streaming: Click here.

Alicia Young: The Mother Teresa Effect (Sun, Oct 23)

Alicia Young on
The Mother Teresa Effect:
What I Learned Volunteering for a Saint

this Sunday, 10/23 at 6:45pm (after Student Dinner)

Alicia Young, a Cal-Newman alumna, is an international broadcast journalist with more than twenty years' experience and author of seven nonfiction books. With her latest book, she has moved from the headspace of news to the heartspace of light spiritual books.

Volunteering for Mother Teresa during her final Christmas, Alecia divided her time between work in a hospice center and a rural leprosy ward. In The Mother Teresa Effect, Alicia narrates her transformative journey with humanity, color and gentle humor.

Alicia will be at Newman in the upstairs lounge after the Student Dinner this Sunday to discuss her experiences with Mother Teresa.

Year of Amoris Laetitia Family 2021-2022

On March 19, 2021, the Church celebrated the 5th anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, on the beauty and joy of love in the family.  On that same day, Pope Francis launched the year “Amoris Laetitia Family,” which concluded on June 26, 2022, during the X Meeting of Families in Rome with the Holy Father.

10-part video series going over the main teachings of Amoris Laetitia

Pope Francis announced the year of “Amoris Laetitia Family during his Angelus Message on the Feast of the Holy Family on December 27, 2020. He ended his address by invoking the Blessed Mother, “May the Virgin Mary grant that families throughout the world be increasingly fascinated by the evangelical ideal of the Holy Family, so as to become a leaven of [a] new humanity and of a genuine and universal solidarity.

Our diocese is concluding this celebration of the Year of the Family with Catholic Family Week, September 24-Oct 2. We are to continue to live out the spirit of Amoris Laetitia. Click here for a list of events around the diocese.

Congratulations Deacon Eric Hernandez, CSP

Congratulations to our Paulist Seminarian, Eric Hernandez, CSP who did his pastoral year with us two years ago. Friday, September 2, 2022, he made his Final Profession to be a Paulist Father for life. Then on Saturday, September 3, 2022, he was ordained a transitional deacon in Washington, DC. Come May 20, he will be ordained a Catholic Priest at our mother church, St. Paul the Apostle in NYC. For worship aids for the ceremonies, click here.

2022 Welome Week


  • Fri, 8/26 (6:10pm) - Newman Grads Welcome BBQ (for graduate students and young adults)

  • Sun, 8/28 (6:10pm) - Student Dinner

  • Mon, 8/29 (7pm) - Praise & Worship on the patio followed by S’mores

  • Tue, 8/30 (1pm) - Picnic Lunch on the Glade
    (7pm) - Large Group Bible Study

  • Wed, 8/31 (7am) - Morning Hike (meet at Newman)

  • Thu, 9/1 (8pm) - Adoration / Candlelight Mass / Yogurt Park

  • Fri, 9/2 (6:30pm) - Friday Night Lights & Karaoke

  • Sat, 9/3 (7pm) - Patio Palooza (board games, ice cream, dancing)

  • Sun, 9/4 (7:15am) - Serving Breakfast to the Need with Catholic Worker (meet at Newman)
    (6:10pm) - Student Dinner

  • Mon, 9/5 (6pm) - Labor Day BBQ on the Newman Patio

    Stay tune for even more events to come …