This Was the Time

Circling high above
on drafts of thin air
eagles floating

are looking back
ten years from now
at this time like no other
when Gaia could breathe
once again
through all her creatures.

This was the time
their shelter in place
birds in flight
could breathe again
and streaming fish
found water fresh
and polar caps
iced firm.

This was the time
the two-legged ones
came to their senses
flowers at their feet
endless sky above
birds alive with song
water sweet again
with footprint
ever so light.

Jim Silva
April 17, 2020

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Jim Silva attends the 10am Sunday Mass. You have seen him in the choir, lectoring, and cantoring. He is often seen with Colleen, who happens to be his wife. He is also a life coach. Look for his ad on the back of our bulletin.