Called to participate in the GREATER GOOD that GOD is and is intending to bring out of this crisis

by Greta Rosenberger

WE REJOICE IN THE EASTER SEASON- “This is the day the Lord has made” (the day of resurrection— the conquering of sin ,evil and death)—“Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!” Psalm 118

      The Risen Jesus is always equipping us with what we need to face every trial. “ Greater is HE Who is in us... than He that is in the world”(1 Jn 4:4.18) "Perfect Love casts out all fear"

       Yes. God knows that we as human beings are fragile and prone to fear. That is why the most frequent command in the Bible is  "Do not be Afraid", appearing over 200 times. 

       In tumultuous times, I like to reflect on the story of Jesus walking on the water towards the disciples who are in the boat which is being threatened by the stormy wind and waves. In both the accounts of Mark 6:50 and in Matthew 14:27, Jesus says "Take is I...Do not be afraid."

      In that simple phrase we can see God's solution for dispelling fear.

        1) "Take Courage"--- We are called to allow ourselves to be filled with the Courage that the Holy Spirit has given us in Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (and all Sacraments we have received).....When we invite the Holy Spirit to FILL us to the brim once again with HIS 7-fold gifts- there is less and less room for fear. “Perfect Love casts out all fear” (1 John 4:18)- When we fill ourselves with God's perfect Love for us (Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22) human fear gets marginalized.  When we are filled with the Gift of  Awe and Reverential Fear of the Lord given by the Holy Spirit in our Confirmation (Isaiah Chp 11), there is basically no room left for human fears related to temporal circumstances.

        2) "It is I"--Reminding ourselves with WHOM we are walking..... When we are close to Jesus, we have nothing to fear..... We are walking WITH the ONE Who has the power to calm the storm at any moment with three simple words (Peace- Be Still). He is BIGGER than any "storm" we may face in our lives. Jesus created nature and knows how to command the forces of nature in the world. When we honor Jesus for Who He is in our midst and are filled with an AWE of Him , and His Power and His Love for us, we cannot help but but be transfixed and transformed by His radiant CALM. The power of the PEACE that comes forth from the PRINCE of PEACE ....makes the difficulties of our temporal circumstances pale in comparison. The same Peace, Joy and Hope that filled the Apostles in prison so they could sing and pray together is available to us today.

        3) "Do Not be Afraid"- Jesus has to command us not to be afraid, because He is familiar with our frail humanity and knows our propensity to focus on the problem rather than the solution. Jesus has to command us not to fear because He is asking us to go above and beyond our human nature. In this command He is demanding that we shift our focus from the storm......onto HIM, the solution to the storm. It requires mental and emotional discipline and help from the Holy Spirit to shift our focus away from the "storm" and onto Him. If we just stay focussed on Him with faith, we can and will walk on water too. (e.g. STEP ON the temporal reality that once made us afraid).

          The Chinese word for Crisis is a combination of two symbols; 1) Risk....the other 2) Opportunity. God gives us the grace to take the risk so that we can, with Him, reap the opportunity hidden in the crisis. Peter risked stepping out of the boat in the storm, and he reaped the reward of personally experiencing the power of Faith and the Power of Christ.

     Christianity has always told us that God, being Sovereign, only allows evil events that He already intends to bring a Greater Good out of. He has equipped His people in special ways, through His Grace and Presence among us to participate in that Greater Good. First, we are called to ask God in prayer what are some of the Greater Goods that He is intending to bring out of this crisis. Then we ask Him for the Grace we need to participate in that Greater Good in the ways that He has planned for us (as individuals and as a body of believers).

Some "Greater Goods" that God is bringing out of this crisis

1) Reminding us of our vulnerability, humanity, need for each other- that we are all part of one human family. No one is greater than any other person. We are all equally valuable and precious in the sight of God (and hopefully in the sight of one another).

2) Reminding us of our need for GOD.....where we may stand with there mortal sin on our soul?

3) Reminding us as we have all this time on our hands that our BEING is more important than our DOING...our vocations (to be a spouse, father, mother, priest, nun, consecrated single person) live our vocation well requires that we know how to BE...with each other and with GOD....

4) this crisis has reminded us that the secular world celebrates DOING-- e.g. what kind of producer we are.....what kind of consumer we are----but GOD celebrates BEING---what kind of LOVER we are....

5) God is reminding us that any "job" we hold to make money is at the service of our vocation and not the other way around. 

6) God is reminding us of what is truly precious: People, Souls, Himself, Time together...LOVE..kindness...gentleness..Charity that gives the other the benefit of the doubt

7) We praise Jesus for all that He is doing for people’s souls during this time of trial. — He is helping people to realize that the real virus to be feared is mortal sin.(that can kill the body and the soul).

8) God is reminding wealthy and powerful people (and governments) just how limited/relatively insignificant their wealth and power is in relation to the Four Last Things....

9) God is Giving us the precious gift of TIME----a RESET button on our reassess our priorities, our relationships, who and how we are in relation to Him and to others...

10) God is helping us to recognize the value in certain jobs that we often overlook-- grocery clerks, people in charge of garbage disposal ...all those medical professionals who are on the front lines of this war placing themselves in harms way.

11) God is helping us ask vital what (or who) are we willing to fight for? what  (or who) are we willing to die for?

12) God is giving us a small taste of what the poor experience every day--- access to resources....people looking at us with suspicion....wondering if a basic need will be met tomorrow....

13) God is using this time to challenge our idols and what we place our trust it money? is it status? is it power?

14) God is challenging some sick multi-billion dollar (non-essential) industries that fuel our economy-- alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, pornography, sex-trafficking----all of these industries that make money on other people's addictions (some of those industries, as they nurture people's addictions, are helping lead others' souls to hell). I have a feeling that God would say that those industries can remain "shut down" as far as He is concerned.

15) While many hunger to participate in and be physically present at the mass--- the Domestic Church has been strengthened during this time.

16) We have a renewed sense of reverential fear of the Lord which has been lacking as so many of us had begun to take His True Presence with us for granted.

      There are so many gifts to us as human beings during this time. Let us pray for the grace not to miss the gifts that are being offered to us and to others and to our souls during this time of crisis.

     We Praise Jesus in advance for the greater Good that He is bringing and will bring out of this pandemic. May Jesus calm the fears of those who, at this time, find that the foundations of their faith is being challenged—- May He give us every grace we need to focus on HIM (Who is BIGGER THAN THE STORM)— while we are still in the midst of the storm.

     May the Risen Jesus bring you and those you love every Grace and Blessing that you need at this time.

         Keeping you in prayer. Thank you for all you do and are!

            God bless you.

             In the Peace and Love of the Risen Christ,

                   Greta Rosenberger, MDiv, MA, MS

Greta is a frequent daily Mass and 10pm Sunday Mass parishioner. We share her with another Catholic church where she also cantors.