Just Faith Program:
Faith & Racial Equity:
Exploring Power & Privilege

As a concrete follow-up to the Seeking Racial Justice series led by Fr. Steven Bell last year, we are having an  eight-week series on Faith and Racial Equity: Exploring Power and Privilege. This is a series of eight, two-hour weekly sessions that awakens small groups to the economic systems, public policies, cultural norms, and hidden biases that empower some and oppress others.

There will be a three-hour Saturday kick-off retreat this Saturday, January 21 from 9am until Noon here at Newman. 

The first meeting of the 8-week program is on Monday, January 23rd from 7 pm - 9 pm at Newman. We’ll meet on Mondays from 7-9pm until the program wraps up on March 13th.

The course and supporting materials are free, but participants will need to purchase or borrow the three books that’ll inform our discussions. They are White Fragility, I'm Still Here, and 40 Days of Prayer for the Liberation of American Descendants of Slavery. None of these books is new so it should be possible also to find them at a used bookstore.

Sign up in Newman’s lobby no later than January 18th. Questions can be directed to Alan.

For more info on Just Faith and this series, click here.