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I came to California in December 1992 having accepted a position as Music Director in a parish in Sacramento, and excited to have the opportunity to explore more of the wonderful California wines - an interest fostered by fellow musicians/amateur winemakers with whom I had worked at Sydney Conservatorium of Music. And now, after the delights of the past 29 years, it is time for “new wineskins” - and always trying new wines!

 As well as the communally shared challenges of the current pandemic upsurge, I am getting used to a whole different way of being: after more than 50 years of very full-time involvement in Music and Liturgical Ministries - the last 27 of them at Newman Hall, I am now working here 10 hours per week. As the pandemic has gone on and on, Newman’s budget has been challenged even more. In meetings with the Finance Committee, Fr. Ivan determined that further downsizing was needed. It was decided to eliminate the full-time position of Director of Music and Liturgy, effective December 31, 2020. Other parishes simply laid off staff—including those who had given many, many years of service. Fr. Ivan did what he could to keep me employed. I continued to receive 90% of my salary until the end of December 2020, for which I was most grateful.

While I don’t know what the future holds, I do know that I feel much gratitude for the 27 years that I have served the Newman community as a fulltime pastoral minister, and by leading the assembly in sung prayer. You hold a special place in my heart. I am constantly affirmed, challenged, surprised, and delighted by my Newman Family. I feel surrounded and carried by our Cloud of Witnesses - the many wonderful people with whom I have been privileged to journey - before they joined the celestial choirs.

 What will this change mean for our music and liturgical ministries?  That is a big question, and the answer is not yet fully clear. But I want to tell you what I do know.

 My new part-time position includes continuing to play for the Sunday 10am Mass, as well as for Feastdays and other events such as funerals, weddings, communal reconciliation etc. I will also continue to maintain the instruments, music files, copyright reporting, responding to requests for music and lyrics for personal prayer, as well as continuing some pastoral contact.

 As long as the pandemic persists, Fr. Ivan wishes to maintain the safest standards for all, and we will continue to celebrate on livestream and on the patio (limited to 60). How will music ministry work once we are free to sing together again? Honestly, I don’t know any more than you do. At this point, I don’t imagine Fr. Ivan does, either. It’s too soon to tell.

 I wish you many blessings, health, peace and hope for 2021, and so look forward to celebrating together again when this becomes a safe possibility. As Jon Bon Jovi sang George Harrison so beautifully at the Inauguration Concert: Here Comes the Sun!

Colleen Lenord

January 2021