From Oakland Diocese Sept 7, 2020:

Music by David Haas Should Be Removed. 

Ban Music 2.png

As Catholics, we are committed to safe environments for all and we affirm our support for those who have been harmed. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a prominent composer of liturgical music, David Haas, has had multiple allegations of misconduct levied against him.  These allegations are being investigated by the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 
Given the serious nature of the allegations we feel it is inappropriate to use his music in Catholic worship until the investigations have concluded. Parishes in the Diocese of Oakland are asked to stop using any music by David Haas and look for suitable alternatives.


From Colleen to all Newman Musicians, June 28, 2020:

It is with both shock and sadness that I write about the allegations of sexual misconduct with adult women that have come to light recently about composer and musician David Haas. 

While David has denied the allegations against him, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has found them credible. Publishers GIA, OCP and other organizations have disassociated themselves from David Haas. Revised versions of hymnals will not include his music.

As the Province Leadership Team of the Holy Names Sisters recently wrote:

'For decades, David’s music has supported and expressed our prayer and spirituality. We have celebrated, grieved, discerned and prayed together through his gift of song, and to learn that women have been victimized by him comes as a shock to us and to the Church at large'.

 I recommend that for now we refrain from using music by David Haas for communal celebrations, out of sensitivity to and in support of those many women who have testified that they have experienced this unethical and exploitative behavior, and in support of all women in the Church, especially victims of exploitation, manipulation and abuse.

The pieces in in our repertoire which we will not use for now are:

  • Abba, I Put My Life in Your Hands, Psalm 31

  • All the Ends of the Earth, Psalm 96, (collaboration with Marty Haugen)

  • Be a Blessing (Birthday Song)

  • Blest Are They 

  • Create in Me a Clean Heart, Psalm 51

  • Deep Within

  • Go Out to All the World, Psalm 107

  • I Will Arise and Go To My God, Psalm 51

  • I Will Praise Your Name, Psalm 145

  • If Today You Hear God’s Voice, Psalm 91

  • In The Presence of the Angels, Psalm 138

  • Lord, I Thank You…Psalm 138

  • The Lord is My Light and My Salvation Psalm 27

  • Lord, Send Out Your Spirit, Psalm 104

  • Lord, You Have the Words Psalm 19

  • Now We Remain

  • Proclaim to All the Nations, Psalm 96, (collaboration with Marty Haugen)

  • Sing to the Lord a New Song, Psalm 98 (collaboration with Marty Haugen)

  • Rejoice Child of God

  • The Beloved of God

  • They Who Do Justice, Psalm 15

  • Voices That Challenge

  • We Are Called

  • We Are God’s People, Psalm 100

  • We Have Been Told

  • You Are Mine

Let us pray also for David Haas. Neither his actions nor his gifts can be denied. 

Colleen Lenord, Director of Music.