Fabiola Profession of Faith (5-15-20).png

Congratulations to Fabiola Rossy who celebrated a Profession of Faith, Confirmation, and Eucharist this Friday, May 15 at our 12:10pm Mass.

Fabiola has been part of our RCIA process this past year. She was baptized in a Protestant church and has been fully initiated into the Catholic faith. She finished a Master’s in Law at Cal and will be returning home to Indonesia. She wanted to celebrate the sacraments here at Newman before returning home.  Thanks also to her sponsor, Mega Simarmata, and the RCIA Team. We wish Fabiola the best as she embarks on a new chapter in her life as a Catholic disciple of Jesus Christ.

Fabiola is the first of this year’s RCIA Elect to celebrate the sacraments. For the other RCIA Elect still in town, we hope to celebrate together with our community, when we allowed to safely have public Masses. And for those who have moved on, we will be writing letters to their new Catholic parish informing them that they are ready to be received into the Catholic Church.

Fabiola is the first of this year’s RCIA Elect to celebrate the sacraments. For the other RCIA Elect still in town, we hope to celebrate together with our community, when we allowed to safely have public Masses. And for those who have moved on, we will be writing letters to their new Catholic parish informing them that they are ready to be received into the Catholic Church.