Dear Sisters & Brothers,

I know that my Redeemer lives. (Job 19:25).

I've been holding on to that verse these past weeks. When I feel afraid, it gives me comfort and strength. By saying My Redeemer Lives, it means that no matter what happens to us or our country in these weeks, Christ has risen. He overcomes all pain, suffering and uncertainty. He doesn't take it away, but He -- and all those who are His disciples -- will overcome.

What is the worst that can happen to us during this time? We could catch coronavirus and die. But is death the end? Not for those who believe in Christ and are baptized. I remember back to 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked in Athens by. terrorists. There were some US soldiers and sailors among the passengers. They were beaten, and one of them, sailor Robert Stethem, was shot in the head, and his body dumped out of the plane onto the tarmac. A few weeks later at his funeral in the US, his brother, also a sailor, got up to speak. For as long as I live, I will never forget his words: "I know that if my brother were here today, he would want to say one thing. 'That no matter what happens, God reigns.'" Although that sailor was mourning the loss of his brother, his faith -- and his brother's faith -- was paramount.

I know that my Redeemer lives.

The next-worst thing that can happen to us in this crisis is losing our job. Then you can't pay the rent, feed your family, pay your bills, etc. Even with unemployment insurance, there will be significant hardship. I've seen this situation handled in two basic ways. One, a person goes into a depression, resulting in inaction. I had a Commanding Officer (C.O.) in the Navy once. He had been a submarine captain, and then was C.O. of the Navy base where I was serving. The Navy decided it had too many senior officers and thinned the ranks. Through no fault of his own, he was involuntarily retired. With full pension and benefits. He was in his early 50's. Rather than look for a job, he sat home and sulked. His wife went to work as a school librarian to help pay the bills. She was frustrated. He felt worthless, even though he had a distinguished Navy career. And his faith was not very strong. No prayer.

Another case. A young man recently graduated with a good business degree. Put in applications at all the usual accounting firms. Presented well on his interviews. Yet no job offers. Undeterred he kept applying. Kept interviewing. Still no offers. Yet he didn't give up. Went to daily Mass. Prayed that God would open a door for him. Trusted. Finally, being hungry and not having much money, he decided to have his lunch at a hospital cafeteria. He knew the food would be good and cheap. While dining, he struck up a conversation with a nurse at the table and revealed his situation. She told him that she didn't know if the hospital needed another accountant, but they were looking to hire someone to work with mothers who were drug addicts and their newborn children. The fellow interviewed and was hired on the spot. Weeks later he said he felt so much more fulfilled helping take care of "crack babies" than if he were working in a business office. He trusted, and the Lord put him in the right place.

I know that my Redeemer lives.

Being a Christian does not mean we will have a life devoid of suffering. But it does mean that the Lord's promises to us will be fulfilled. And the main promise is that He has overcome suffering and death. And He will lead all those who are joined to him through baptism and the Eucharist to a Resurrection from the dead. And smaller resurrections here, during our earthly life.

I know that my Redeemer lives. And He will never let you down.

With my prayers and blessings for a most Sacred Triduum and Blessed Easter!


The Masses that Bishop Barber will celebrate will be live streamed from the Cathedral. To view them please go to CCTL Facebook page.

We know this confuses some of the faithful. PLEASE be assure that you absolutely can watch the feed WITH OUT joining Facebook. When you click on the link to the Mass, a pop-up comes asking you to sign in or join Facebook, simply scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up and click “not now.” You can then follow the Mass broadcast.

Here is the link to the schedule of Masses:



Finally, the Office for Mission Advancement is assisting all the parishes in the Diocese with an online giving portal. If you wish to support your parish, simply follow this link:

The form is easy to complete. Note: 100% of your gift will go directly to the parish you designate. The Diocese is covering all the processing and fees. 
