
Who Are We:

Newman Nonviolent Peacemaking Group is composed of dedicated parishioners and friends who recognize the violence in the world and who strive to seek non-violent solutions to make the world a better place.

Upcoming Events

January 27th from 9:30 am - Noon (registration and booksignings begin at 8:30 am) Join us as we, together with Pax Christi, present a program on peace. Fr. John Dear will be here to speak about his latest book, The Gospel of Peace, and 2023 Tom Webb Peacemaker of the year, Therese Mughannam Walrath, will share some of her experiences as a peace activist. See the flyer for more information.

Past Event(s)

DECEMBER 2023: Celebrating the Life, Work, and Legacy of Fr. Bill O’Donnell

Newman’s Peace and Justice Ministry invites you to attend one or more of the events celebrating the life, work, and legacy of local social justice activist and Catholic priest, Fr. Bill O’Donnell on the 20th anniversary of his passing.

Friday, 12/8 at Noon Gather at gravesite, St. Mary's Cemetery (end of Howe St), "paupers section:" Make the first left, short drive up the hill, then look to the left under the large eucalyptus tree at the chain link fence.

Saturday 12/9 from 7 -9 pm Screening of In Bad Company, the Fr. O’Donnell’s December 1998 conversation with Martin Sheen. Hecker Room, Newman Hall

Sunday, 12/17 at 10 am. Mass at St. Joseph the Worker Church, Fr. Bill O'Donnell Peace and Justice Award will be presented to Maria Ramirez (posthumous).

Fr. Bill O’Donnell—pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Church for 25 years and Parochial Vicar for 8—was arrested more than 200 times for civil disobedience as he protested for justice & peace, and for the marginalized.  With his lively sense of humor and outspoken truth-telling, Fr. Bill made friends from all walks of life. On the occasion of Fr. Bill’s passing on 8 December 2003, Bishop John Cummins of Oakland (ret.) said: “He embraced the larger church and the entire world ranging from Berkeley to Delano to the Caribbean to North Korea. Yet he remained close to so many us. We will miss the fond affection and joy he continually gave us.”

To learn more about Fr. Bill, click a links Peacehost Obituary, SF Gate Obituary, NYTimes

Ceasefire Night Walks

Oakland Ceasefire is a movement to stop the killings and more people going to jail. They are uniting to build a culture of peace and healing. They are walking the neighborhoods, carrying this message:

We love you and we want you to be alive and free!

To learn more about the movement, and to stay updated with these Night Walks, take a look at their website:

Cease Fire Walks

You can also call to find out more information at (510) 382-1687.

Seeking Racial Justice Meeting: TBD

We have been inspired by Fr. Steven Bell’s “Seeking Racial Justice” series to pursue concrete actions to counter racism in all its forms. What do we as individuals, as small groups, and as a parish want to do to address racial bias and system racism? What sorts of actions can we do most effectively? What roles might we play in the larger community to promote racial justice? If you have an idea that moves you and think it might also move others, let’s explore it. Join us as we discern plans for concrete action.
For more information contact Bill Joyce by email: webike at or Alan Roselius at email: arose919 at

if you want peace sow justice.jpg


If you wish to be added to our email list to receive updates and reminders of our events please contact Alan Roselius at


“The Newman Nonviolent Peacemaking Group has helped me understand and appreciate the power of Jesus’ message of nonviolence. It has reinforced my conviction that all humans are created in God’s image and deserve dignity and respect. I enjoy going to each event because they are unique, informative, and give me hope that we can overcome our problems not with weapons but with words.”