The Eucharist and the Holy Spirit both work to unite God’s children. When there is division and hatred, it is a clarion call for us to fulfill our prophetic role as baptized disciples of Christ. We need to be Eucharist for our society.
We stand against the sin of racism in all its forms, especially the longstanding unjust treatment of our Black brothers and sisters. The brutal killing and treatment of African-Americans is an outrage. It is a crime against human decency and the will of God. Our police are to be guardians and servants, not warriors and tormentors.
We challenge our parishioners and all people to use their God given creativity and power to build up God’s Kingdom, a kingdom of justice where all God’s children are treated with love and have the opportunity to flourish as God intended. No one is too small, or has too small a voice. God can use you.
We at Newman are responding to this systemic evil of racism through a process of bi-weekly town hall ZOOM meetings, to listen and learn, to reflect and pray, and to respond and support. Through this, we seek to put our faith into action, both individually and as a community.
Join us every other week as we explore the issues of the sin of racism towards our African-Americans in our country. Our Critical Conversation will explore our implicit biases. The next Critical Conversation is Monday, Sept. 28th at 7pm. Click here to join: ZOOM Link.
Come join us as we explore how our faith survives and thrives for over 2,000 years, even in spite of human frailty and mistakes. All are warmly welcome to join our remote meetings via Google MEET on Wednesday from 7-8pm. Currently, the meeting’s theme is on the Sin of Racism. This has been a good followup to Newman’s Critical Conversations, where we review and discuss further the issues of racism. Contact Ned & Yvette to join or find out more information.
Past slide presentations and resources to facilitate discussion include:
Powerpoint slides: Breaking the Cycle of Racism I, Breaking the Cycle of Racism II, Health & Racism
Resources: Breaking the Cycle of Racism: Bias - Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt, “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo (reviews: New Yorker review and The Atlantic)
Health & Racism: Paul Soloman, David Williams of Harvard
Prayer to Mary to overcome Racism
Mary, friend and mother to all,
through your Son, God has found a way
to unite himself to every human being,
called to be one people,
sisters and brothers to each other.
We ask for your help in calling on your Son,
seeking forgiveness for the times
when we have failed to love and respect one another.
We ask for your help in obtaining from your Son
the grace we need to overcome the evil of racism
and to build a just society.
We ask for your help in following your Son,
so that prejudice and animosity
will no longer infect our minds or hearts
but will be replaced with a love that respects
the dignity of each person.
Mother of the Church,
the Spirit of your Son Jesus warms our hearts:
pray for us.