In Loving Memory
Rev. Al Moser, C.S.P.
Born: October 7, 1923
Ordination: May 11, 1960
Came to Newman: September 1982
Eternal Rest: September 11, 2016
"May he support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last."
- John Henry Cardinal Newman(1801-1890)
Thank You
Thank you everyone who supported, prayed for, and visited Fr. Al at the
Mercy Retirement and Care Center, and thanks to all who made our
Funeral Vigil, Mass, and Interment so powerful and moving.
Funeral Liturgies
For those who missed the funeral liturgies or want to recapture the moment, check out the following resources:
Other Photos and Videos of Fr. Al
Fr. Al Fund
Consider supporting the Fr. Al Campus Ministry Fund to keep alive his legacy of proclaiming God’s loving presence at Berkeley.
Click here for more info on the Fr. Al Fund.
You can donate by sending a check to Newman Hall at the address below
using our e-giving – click here, scroll down and click “Show more one-time gifts” and select “Campus Ministry: Fr. Al Moser Fund.”