2018 Fall Retreat: Ignite
Students, as you begin a new academic year, consider taking a weekend off to renew your faith and build some wonderful relationships and memory. You know life cannot all be stress and exams; so take some time to embrace and taste the reality of the fullness of life promised by our Lord. The next Fall Student Retreat will be 2022
When students reflect upon their time in college, many will recall their time on retreat as one of their most memorable times. Make sure to make wonderful college memories.
2023 Fall Student Retreat
Calm in the Storm:
How Jesus Brings Peace to Our Chaos
Friday-Saturday, October 20-21
Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish & Old St. Mary’s Cathedral (SF)
Being a college student is not easy. The stresses, the work, the need for rest and peace are ever greater than before. Surely this is not as God intended for our lives here on earth. Storms are a fact of life in a world broken by sin. But out of God’s infinite love, God sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our way, our peace, our life. Come discover how your fellow students have found peace, strength, and joy through our Lord. Come also to get away for a time of prayer and community.
The retreat started Friday at 5pm here at Newman with a sleepover, followed by a day at Old St Mary’s (SF) on Saturday, Mass at St. Patrick’s (SF), and concluded with dinner and activities Saturday night at Newman. Thanks to an amazing retreat team of: Alyanna Asuncion, Brandon Wong, Camila Lozano, Danielle Gomez, Hannah Saib, Josh Schroreder, Nate Escobar, Paulist seminarian Zach Turner, CSP, and Fr. Ivan.
2021 Fall Retreat
Veni - Draw Near
December 3-4, 2021
The 2021 Fall Retreat focused on Christ and the joys of Advent. We had four presentations and activities centered on each of the Sunday readings of Advent. We began Friday night at Newman, spend the day at Old St. Mary’s in San Francisco, and concluded the evening at Newman. Thanks to a wonderful retreat team: Andrew Song, Chesna Climaco, Christine Oh, Francis Xavier Limpin, and Fr. Ivan.
2020 Fall Retreat
Fall (Not A) Retreat
November 13-15, 2020
Our students had a wonderful and powerful retreat the weekend of November 13-15. The team did an amazing job exploring how our faith intersects with the entirety of our lives. This was a time event given it is so easy to compartmentalize faith to just Sunday or times of private prayer, leading to a sense of incompleteness or disingenuousness with our faith life.
The talks given include:
in the world, but not of it
fratelli and fruits: a presentation on how to dialogue in our day and age
the littlest of the children (a look at Our Lady of Guadalupe and colonization)
abortion and preference for the poor
care for our common home
self-care! and dealing with isolation
Thanks to the 2020 Fall (not a) Retreat Team: Edrick Sabalburo, Nique Salapare, Manuel Morales, Matt Grehm, Tracy Tansui, Amaris L'Heureux, and Fr. Ivan Tou, CSP. Our community is blessed with amazing students.
All the retreat talks were recorded, so if any of the topics interest you, come check them out. They are concise and personal and I hope will help you to start thinking more deeply how our Catholic faith enlightens our approach to the world. Click here for the Retreat Talk Playlist.
Two encyclicals referenced frequently by the speakers were Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship) and Laudato Si' (On Care for our Common Home). These are worth checking out if you have done so already.
2019 Fall Student Retreat
Cors ad Cor Loquitur
October 25-27, 2019
“Cor ad Cor Loquitur” (Heart speaks to heart) is the motto of St. John Henry Newman. It is a call for us to join our heart with the Heart of Christ in our love of God, others, and ourselves. Do you know what you need to know about that kind of love? Spend time with other students in the Santa Cruz Mountains having fun, praying, resting, and reflecting on that kind of love and how we can make it more a part of our everyday lives.
Retreat Team: Salma Alba, Natalie Celt, Daniel Frise, Jimmy Nguyen, Luz Renteria, Tamara Sequeira, Jake Barajas, & Fr. Steve Bell, CSP
2018 Fall Retreat
Oct. 19-21 - Mount Hermon Conference Center, Santa Cruz Mountains
Igniting our faith and our lives in the midst of incredible Redwoods.
2017 Fall Retreat
Friend-Ship with Jesus
Oct. 20-22 - Redwood Camp at Mount Hermon, Santa Cruz Mountains
Exploring friendship with Jesus and others, what makes them strong and solid and what weakens them.
2016 Fall Retreat
Social Justice League:
Living Our Faith in the World
Oct 23-23, 2016 - Redwood Camp at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz Mountains
Inspired by and joining the saints and our heroes to transform the world into God's Kingdom of peace and justice! We spent a weekend delving into the major themes of our Catholic Social Teachings. The Fall Retreat consists of: Sthefany Alviar, Melissa Wongso, Evelia Noriega, Jessica Yescas, Matt Hauwiller, Kirk Duran, Patrick Forrester, Manny Lazalde, and Fr. Ivan.
2015 Fall Retreat
Cup of Joy: Reconstructing Happiness
Oct 23-25 - Redwood Camp at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz Mountains
We all want to be happy, but sometimes trying to find happiness can be a struggle - especially when we do it alone. Sometimes we search for it in all the wrong places or ways. Our Fall Student Retreat entitled “Cup of Joy: Reconstructing Happiness” gave us an opportunity to explore together how God and our faith help us fulfill the deepest longings of our hearts.
2014 Fall Retreat
diving into the deep
Oct. 17-19 - Point Bonita YMCA