Find Your Home At Newman —the catholic Center at CAL
Find Your Home At Newman —the catholic Center at CAL
We're excited to start rolling out Pushpay, our new online giving service! Pushpay is part of a system called ParishStaq that will make it easier to stay up-to-date and get involved with Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish! Creating an account is easy and will take you only a couple of minutes, but it will be very helpful to Newman going forward. After that first time setup, giving is a snap!
Give the new platform a try today! As always, thank you for your continued generosity.
During this transition, all recurring gifts will need to be transferred from Faith Direct to the new platform by May 13, 2025.
IF YOU CURRENTLY GIVE USING FAITH DIRECT, you will need to log on to your account and cancel your giving once you have set up your new Pushpay account. Please be mindful of your scheduled payment date with Faith Direct when selecting a Pushpay start date in order to ensure you don't accidentally duplicate your donations for the current month.
You can also contact Faith Direct at 866-507-8757 or contact the parish office for assistance.
Sign in into you Faith Direct Account:
Scroll down all the way to bottom
Click on “Cancel my eGiving account”.
Then they ask for reason of cancellation which you can write: “other”
Then Click on CANCEL.
You will receive and email from Faith Direct confirming the cancellation.
Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish is a spiritual home to undergrad and grad students at UC Berkeley, and to adults and families from the Berkeley/Oakland area and beyond. This special combination of student and resident parishioners has created a unique community of faith that invites all to the love of Christ.
In particular, we are about serving the students at UC Berkeley as they delve into and take ownership of their faith as young adults.
The Annual Busy Person’s Retreat starts next weekend. Have you signed up? The opening session is on Sunday, March 16th at 11:15am, after the 10am Mass.
Our St. Patrick’s Day Potluck dinner and trivia is on Sunday, March 16th.
Cal’s spring break is the week of March 23rd. That week there will not be adoration or Thursday night Mass and reconciliation.
Our Lenten Reconciliation Service with private confessions will be the week of April 6th. We’ll post the date once it’s confirmed.
The annual student Spring Formal is next month on Saturday, April 26th.
Check out these and other upcoming activities on our Parish Events page.
Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, OP, our Pastor, arrived July 1st, 2025 from his post as pastor and director of the Catholic Community at Stanford University. He has made the Imogene Simpson Room (just inside the front doors) his office. Stop by for a visit, or contact him via email at Xavier Lavagetto, ( ) or cell phone, (650) 291-4590. To make an appointment with Fr. Xavier, you may do so by clicking here. (This is a new appointment service. Fr. Xavier is no longer using the “” app)
Fr. Pius Youn
Associate pastor, Fr. Pius Youn, OP has returned to Berkeley where he undertook his seminary studies at the GTU’s Dominican School of Theology and Philosophy. Ordained in 2018, Fr. Pius most recently served in a parish in Anchorage with ministry also to a parish in Dutch Harbor on Amaknak Island, AK. Click here for a bio. You can make an appointment with him via email at Fr Pius guides the Student Ministry here at Newman.
-Eucharistic Ministers (for Sunday’s 5pm Mass)
-Sacristans for weekday and weekend Masses
-Sound Tech, and
-Producers to livestream our 10 am Mass.We also need people to advance the overhead sides at Mass, help decorate the church, as well as people who’ll wash and iron the altar linens, and people who’ll clean the chapel.
Do you feel called to help in any of these ways? Sign up here or just come to a training.
Lector trainings are offered at 10am on the first Saturday of the month.
Click here to check out our 2024-2025 FOCUS Missionaries.
Please be aware of scams on the internet with folks pretending to be the pastor or someone you trust. They will be asking for a favor that typically is getting them gift cards and sending the codes over the internet. Before getting the gift cards or sending any info, please verify by using your usually way to talk to the person. It is most likely a scam.
If you’re a graduate student or young adult, come join Newman Grads. Contact us at for more info or look for us in front of the church after the 10am Sunday Mass. Our regular events include….
Sun (11am) - Sunday Social
Thu (7pm) - Women’s Group
Thu (7pm) - Men’s Group
Our next patio (and take -away) dinner is on Saturday, April 5 2025. Service will run from 2:00-4:30 pm.
Professor Thomas Brady (Nov. 23, 1937 -March 7, 2025). A Funeral Mass for Tom will be held on Sat., March 22nd at 1pm. A reception will follow.
Michael (Mike) Clancy. (August 17, 1950 - December 26, 2024) A memorial service for Mike was held on Sat., Feb 22nd at 2pm
Eileen M. Lundy (June 9, 1927 - January 10, 2025) A funeral service for Eileen was held on Saturday Feb. 8th at 10 am.
Kara Speltz, (July 29, 1937 - January 13, 2025 ) A memorial service for Kara was held on Saturday, Feb. 8th at 2pm.
Richard Cushman - (November 14, 1945 - December 26, 2024 ) A rosary and Mass for Richard were offered on Thurs., Jan. 2nd
Bishop Emeritus John Cummins (12/3/24)
Pope Francis
Pope Francis’ Encyclicals: Click on the title in bold print to read the encyclical
Lumen Fidei - On Faith 29June2013
Laudato Sí - On Care for our Common Home 24May2015
Fratelli Tuti - On Fraternity and Social Friendship 3October2020
Dilexit Nos - On the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ 24October2024
Current Issue of the Diocesan magazine, The Catholic Voice
WINGS, a women’s group at St. Theresa Parish in Oakland, welcomes all women to their weekly meetings and speaker programs. Information coming soon.
Grief Support: An Evening with Sandy (7-8pm, Tue) - peer ministry and drop in session, so come any time and join a group of people sharing our experience of grief along with each other. Sandy Heinisch is a grief trainer with the Diocese of Oakland.
After 117 years of service to the Diocese of Oakland at UC Berkeley, the Paulist Fathers left Newman on July 1st. Due to the decline in the number of Paulist priests, the Paulists made the difficulty decision to close some national offices and depart from two ministry locations. One of these locations was Newman at UC Berkeley. We thank the Paulists for their many years of spiritual leadership and accompaniment.
Paulist VOICE Newsletter - Quarterly newsletter from the Paulist Fathers and the latest news.
Fr. Ivan is pastor at Old St. Mary’s in San Francisco. You can reach him at
660 California St., San Francisco, CA 94108
Fr. Ryan is Parochial Vicar at Cathedral of St. Andrew.
You can reach him at 267 Sheldon SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Fr. Ken is also at the Cathedral of St. Andrew serving in Senior Ministry.
His address is 267 Sheldon SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Zach Turner has returned to the seminary to continue his studies. You can reach him at 3001 4th St NE, Washington, DC 20017