It’s Tuesday, it must be Theology

We meet every Tuesday at 1:pm.  All are welcome.  As one member said, “ I was walking down the hallway in Newman when I heard the most delightful laughter.  Sticking my head in the door, I was greeted by an enthusiastic welcome.  I was completely charmed. This was the Theology group, and my entry into spiritual exploration on a whole new level.”

Tuesday Theology has offered us a spiritual world that many of us wouldnever have had if we had not joined. Based on our wide spectrum of religious and philosophical readings, we have discussions.  We do not always agree, but we respect each other’s opinions.  Each of us has had the wonderful opportunity to speak with a sense of spiritual authority based on our experiences.

One member refers to us as a hidden treasure, helping, supporting and questioning each other.  In so doing, we not only increase our knowledge of other faiths, we increase the understanding of our own.  We take the time to look at the big picture.  We choose authors who ask the big and difficult questions.  We have each other as we expand our wings.’

“I’ll always be grateful that I found
the Tuesday Theology group
. “

I often wonder if I would still be a Catholic today
 if I had not joined Tuesday Theology
those many years ago

There is nowhere else
I would rather be on Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday Theology first met in 1969.   We are the longest established program at Newman.  Our last facilitator was Richard Chilson, who said when he left, “You can do it on your own.” And on our own, we have continued..

The first book the group read was the Bible.  Since then we have read over 136 books, recorded by our historian.  We have read from the Gospels to the Bhagavad gita, from Huston Smith to Joan Chittister, from Teilhard de Chardin, to our beloved Richard Rohr.

Books read and recommended by the group for deepening awareness of the Christ within us and in all of God’s creations include:

Prayer in the Cave of the Heart by Cyprian Consiglio
The Way of Silence by David Steindle-Rast
Contemplating Christ ... by Vincent Pizzuto
Radical Optimism by Beatrice Brutreau
Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr

Tuesday Theology meets every Tuesday at 1pm
normally in the Hecker Room.  Because of COVID-19, we are currently meeting online. For more information, contact Brenda at

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