Welcome Cal Newman Alumni!
Uniting Golden Bears who were involved with Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish at UC Berkeley

The Cal Newman Alumni brings together alumni who were involved with the Catholic center of the University of California, Berkeley, Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish.  Join us in the enjoyment of reconnecting with fellow alumni over your time at Newman– share great memories, meet alumni across generations, and learn what current students are up to!

We support Newman Hall, the Paulist Fathers, and current students whenever possible. Through prayer and donations of time and money we support work to proclaim the Good News on the Berkeley campus and in our lives.

". . . that you and I may be mutually encouraged by one another's faith, yours and mine." Romans 1:12

2017-2018 Activities include:

  • Alumni Christmas Tea and Potluck - Sun, Dec 9 after 12:10pm Mass
  • Happy Hour at various times around the Bay Area
  • Annual Brunch and Business Meeting - Mar 11

Help us build the alumni community!

Anyone who attended events at Newman Hall including Mass, retreats, student dinners, Seekers, or any other activity is welcome to join.

Contact: Amanda Wehrman, President


“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

-Mother Teresa